I'm MC BALDASSARI (Full name : Marie-Clémentine). Born in France, I moved to Montreal in 2007 to pursue studies in Industrial Design. After I graduated in 2010, I started a career as a freelance artist and illustrator. In 2012, I went for something bigger and worked my first murals.
As far as I can remember, I’ve always loved drawing. As a child and, later, a teen I used to read comic books. Although I did read the stories, it’s really the drawings that interested me. I would stare at them and then reproduce them. My favorites tools have always been a pen and a piece of paper. Over the years, though, I learnt to work with a much larger panel of tools.
I built strong skills in various domains and this is now my principal asset. It gives me the possibility to take part in lots of different projects. I feel as much comfortable working from my iPad than I am spray painting a large wall.
It takes most of my time. Among my clients are local companies such as Eurotunnel, BRP, Cirque du Soleil, Lloyds Bank, etc. My background in Industrial Design gave me the tools to draw anything I want and the ability to apply my own style to all kinds of commissioned projects. My priority is and always will be to understand my clients’s needs and to bring creativity into the process.
I particularly enjoy the challenge that painting on wide surfaces represents. I created my first big wall (30’x30’) in 2015 while participating to the Mural Festival. I went bigger when I became a member of EN MASSE, a multi-artists collaborative project. I had the chance to work beside extraordinary artists like Jason Botkin, Jason Wasserman or Kevin Ledo. Some of our walls can be seen at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. As part of my collaboration with EN MASSE, I became a lead painter of the EN MASSE FOR THE MASSES project that brings artists and high school students together to create original murals on their school premises.